Craving something sweet that’ll keep the scurvy away, fellow pirates? You’ve come to the right place. My One Piece tangerine puff pastry treats are filled to the straw hat brim with delicious orange jam and are finished with a ribbon of whipped cream. All aboard, friends. Let’s go one piece hunting.
The Bake
Let me answer your first question right off the bat, friends. This recipe celebrates both the Anime and the live action adaptation of that Anime. Why?
Because One Piece is the first genuinely popular and faithful live action adaptation of an Anime! That’s something to celebrate!
I wanted to create a One Piece inspired recipe that was as easy as possible. Something sweet and delicious, but also a bake that hit the brief.
My last pastry recipe was my Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince pineapple turnovers and they proved to be a sweet treat hit. So, I created another easy and delicious puff pastry bake.

Enter my One Piece tangerine puff pastry treats.
These delicious little pastries are kind of like a tart with a lid. They are filled with a homemade orange jam, complete with a whipped cream red ribbon and strawberry lace tie.
The orange jam was created to represent the tangerine trees that are a part of Nami’s history and character. The ribbons are made of whipped cream because it’s a delicious extra layer of texture with the pastry and jam. The strawberry lace ties just work well visually and they add another sweet kick.

The overall look pays homage to Luffy’s straw hat.
That’s right, friends. These are straw hat-shaped One Piece puff pastries. Each element marries together into a delicious piece of pirate heaven in every bite.
Luffy’s hat is iconic not only to his character, but to his past and to the entire crew. It felt like the right point to take inspiration from, so I sailed away with the idea. I’m glad I did because these tangerine puff pastry treats really are incredibly tasty.

I made the orange jam myself, but you don’t have to if that’s not your vibe.
If you’ve read my The Powerpuff Girls cupcakes recipe, you’ll know how much I enjoy making my own jam. It’s so easy to do and the taste is worth the effort. I recommend making your own jam for this reason!
For my orange jam, I adapted this recipe by Tastes Better From Scratch; it really is delicious. I put less sugar in mine – just enough for the sweetness to be there but also enough so that the jam sets.
If you’re not into the idea of making your own, you can buy some ready made. There is no shame in it, as I discussed in my Demon Slayer Japanese strawberry shortcake recipe. Though, I have found that orange jam isn’t as widely available as other jams, so if you can’t find any, know that making your own is a simple process.
Feel free to use shop bought orange marmalade instead, but know that it can be more bitter!

Buy the puff pastry!
Seriously, friends. It’s just so much easier and these One Piece pastry treats are meant to be easy to make! If you’re a baking whizz, then feel free to whip up your own puff pastry. I did for my Good Will Hunting pizza pastries recipe, but I still think buying a sheet of shop bought makes for a happy bake and a happy baker.
Shouldn’t that be the main thing? After all, as long as they taste good and you have fun making them, nothing else matters.
One sheet of puff pastry makes a batch of six straw hat One Piece tangerine pastry treats. If you’re after more, feel free to make extra using multiple sheets of puff pastry.
Just remember to NOT roll your sheets of shop bought pastry.
Doing so means that you risk decreasing the lamination already in the pastry and you may find the pastry doesn’t puff up during the baking process. Leave the pastry sheet as is and you’ll get a wonderful rise and puff after baking.
Top Tips
- Most kinds of orange will work for the jam recipe. If you can’t get a hold of tangerines specifically, you can use a different kind of orange instead. Examples that would work include mandarins, blood oranges, naval oranges and more. Feel free to use a combination if desired.
- It’s best to get unwaxed or organic oranges as you can make the orange jam for your tangerine puff pastry treats with the skins on. Try to get oranges with thin skins rather than thick if you can.
- If you can’t find unwaxed and/or organic oranges, buy what you can and then carefully cut the skins off when cutting the oranges up. If doing this, make sure to keep as much of the plith (the white flesh) as possible as this is where the natural pectin comes from, which is key for the texture and setting of the jam.
- Buy your sheets of puff pastry! One sheet makes 6 straw hat One Piece tangerine puff pastry treats. If you want to make more, simply buy more sheets of puff pastry. The amount of jam that you can make in this recipe will fill at least 12, if not 24, puff pastry treats.
- Remember: do NOT roll the pre-rolled sheets of puff pastry. You risk diminishing the lamination that is already there and affecting the puffing up of your pastries if you do.
- If you have any orange jam left, I highly recommend putting it on a scone with some clotted cream. Unreal.
These One Piece tangerine puff pastry treats really are so fun and so easy to make. A great bake to make with kids or friends if you’re after a fuss free sweet treat. Perfect for that One Piece viewing party, too. Enjoy!
Happy baking, happy eating!
The Recipe
One Piece tangerine jam:
- 2 medium unwaxed tangerine oranges (or oranges of your choice, preferably organic if keeping the skins on)
- 250g [1¼ cup] caster sugar
- Juice ½ lemon
- 40ml [1.5 oz] water
Puff pastry treats:
- 1 sheet shop-bought puff pastry
- 50ml [1/75 oz] double [whipping] cream
- ½ tsp icing [confectioners] sugar
- Red food colouring
- Vegetarian strawberry laces
Serves: 6
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time (jam): 30 minutes
Baking time: 10 minutes
Decorating time: 10 minutes
One Piece tangerine jam:
- If keeping the skins on your oranges, wash them under cold water and scrub well.
- Chop the oranges into halves, then half again. Remove and discard any seeds. Make sure to check for any seeds that may be hiding in the core!
- If cutting off the skins, do so now, making sure to leave as much of the white plith on as possible. Cut the orange segments in half again so that you have 8 pieces of orange in total.
- Using a food processor or immersion hand blender, blitz the orange pieces into a pulp. Aim for as fine a pulp as possible. Alternatively, use a potato masher or fork and vigorously mash the oranges in a mixing bowl. Do not discard any of the juice.
- Put the orange pulp into a heavy duty medium-sized saucepan over a low heat.
- Pour in the water and turn the temperature up to medium.
- Add in the sugar and lemon juice and stir into the orange pulp until dissolved. Bring the mixture up to the boil.
- Once the mixture is boiling, turn down to a low-medium heat so that the mixture is simmering.
- Allow the mixture to simmer for around 30 minutes, making sure to stir often, until thickened.
- To check that your orange jam is ready, drop a small amount onto a clean plate or into a clean bowl and leave for a few seconds. Push the jam with the tip of your finger. If it feels jam-like (jelly-ish and squidgy), it’s ready. If it is still runny, continue to cook and test again in a few minutes.
- When you are happy with the consistency of your jam, pour it into a clean jar or bowl and leave to cool on the side for at least 30 minutes.
One Piece tangerine puff pastry treats:
- When your jam is cool enough, begin preparing the puff pastry.
- Preheat your oven to 220°C [425°F] or 200°C fan. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper/baking parchment. Set aside.
- Unravel your puff pastry sheet so that it is flat. Using a 3 inch (diameter) round cookie cutter, cut out 6 circles of pastry. Place them in 2 rows on your lined baking tray. These are the rims of your straw hats.
- Scoop around 1 tsp of orange jam onto the centre of each pastry base disc.
- Using a 2 – 2.5 inch round cookie cutter, cut out 6 more circles.
- Place each one gently over a blob of orange jam to create the top part of your straw hats. Carefully press the edge of the top pastry into the base pastry to secure it. Don’t stress if any jam splurges out, just carefully lift it off and put it back in the jar.
- Using a fork, press the pastry around the orange jam into the base, as if you would when making pasties.
- Bake your One Piece tangerine puff pastry treats on the middle shelf for around 10 minutes, until puffed up and golden.
- Once baked, leave to cool on the tray. This doesn’t take long!
- While your One Piece tangerine puff pastry treats are cooling, make your straw hat ties.
- Decide on the length you would like to make your ties. Cut a relatively long piece of strawberry lace and then cut it in half. Gently tie the two halves together, leaving two ends free.
- Repeat this process to create a tie for each straw hat treat.
- Pour the cream into a large jug or bowl. Spoon in the icing sugar and red food colouring.
- Using an electric whisk, whisk the cream into stiff peaks. Add more red food colouring – a little at a time- during this process if needed.
- Cut a very small amount off the end of a piping bag or sandwich bag and spoon the whipped cream into the bag.
- When your puff pastries are cool, pipe a thin ribbon around the base of the straw hat’s centre. I found this easiest to do by placing a pastry onto a rotating cake stand and piping as I spun the cake stand.
- Arrange your strawberry lace tie on a cake board or plate. Place a straw hat puff pastry over each strawberry lace tie.
- Refrigerate with a cover over your One Piece tangerine puff pastry treats until ready to serve.
These deliciously sweet and flaky One Piece tangerine puff pastry treats are best eaten on the day, but can be kept covered in the fridge for another 2 days. They make for the perfect sweet treat for any One Piece fan. If you have any jam left, I recommend putting it on scones with some clotted cream. Enjoy!
The Anime
If you’re aware of previous Anime to live action adaptations, you’ll know just how disappointing they have been in previous years. It begs the question, why adapt them in the first place? Why not just leave the Anime be, let it do its thing? It’s popular and successful for a reason, after all.
A wider audience reach is one potential answer. Whatever the reason, these adaptations haven’t gone down well with Anime fans.

Until One Piece.
The One Piece live action adaptation has proved to be very well made and very popular among fans of the long-running Anime series of the same name. This is one heck of an achievement. Especially considering how long the Anime has been running: just a short twenty-five years!
That’s a loyal fanbase to contend with when adapting an Anime.
To have pieced together the highlights of the Anime and create a genuinely good live action adaptation with a smashing cast is a miracle in itself.
The story of One Piece follows Monkey D. Luffy as he sets off on the pirate adventure of a lifetime.
Picking up crew members along the way, Luffy is on a mission to find the hidden treasure known as the One Piece, declaring himself as the new Pirate King as a result.
Eiichirô Oda created both the manga and the Anime. As you can imagine, there were A LOT of directors and writers that have worked on the Anime over time. Too many to list here! But, all of them had a hand in making the show what it is.
Giving the characters their Japanese voices include talents such as Mayumi Tanaka; Akemi Okamura, Kazuya Nakai, Kappei Yamaguchi, Hiroaki Hirata, Ikue Ôtani, and many more.

In my personal opinion, the live action adaptation was really well cast.
With Iñaki Godoy as the lovable head of this pirate crew, alongside Emily Rudd, Mackenyu, Morgan Davies, Jacob Romero, Taz Skylar, McKinley Belcher III, Craig Fairbrass, Vincent Regan, Aiden Scott, Peter Gadiot and many more.
The live action was well adapted by Steven Maeda and Matt Owens, alongside a great team of writers.

I love One Piece because it’s so quirky and so much fun.
The setting, the humour, the characters. In fact, my favourite thing is how unique each character is. They are so different from one another, yet the whole thing just works.
Luffy really is a pure soul, too. His lust for life and adventure and his complete faith in himself is really infectious.
Honestly, the fact that it’s about pirates is enough to have me invested. After all – as I mentioned in my Treasure Planet marmalade biscuits recipe – I just want to be a pirate when I grow up.
Recipe Card

One Piece Tangerine Puff Pastry Treats
One Piece tangerine jam:
- 2 medium unwaxed tangerine oranges or oranges of your choice, preferably organic if keeping the skins on
- 250 g [1¼ cup] caster sugar
- Juice ½ lemon
- 40 ml [1.5 oz] water
One Piece tangerine puff pastry treats:
- 1 sheet shop-bought puff pastry
- 50 ml [1/75 oz] double [whipping] cream
- ½ tsp icing [confectioners] sugar
- Red food colouring
- Vegetarian strawberry laces
One Piece tangerine jam:
- If keeping the skins on your oranges, wash them under cold water and scrub well.
- Chop the oranges into halves, then half again. Remove and discard any seeds. Make sure to check for any seeds that may be hiding in the core!
- If cutting off the skins, do so now, making sure to leave as much of the white plith on as possible. Cut the orange segments in half again so that you have 8 pieces of orange in total.
- Using a food processor or immersion hand blender, blitz the orange pieces into a pulp. Aim for as fine a pulp as possible. Alternatively, use a potato masher or fork and vigorously mash the oranges in a mixing bowl. Do not discard any of the juice.
- Put the orange pulp into a heavy duty medium-sized saucepan over a low heat.
- Pour in the water and turn the temperature up to medium.
- Add in the sugar and lemon juice and stir into the orange pulp until dissolved. Bring the mixture up to the boil.
- Once the mixture is boiling, turn down to a low-medium heat so that the mixture is simmering.
- Allow the mixture to simmer for around 30 minutes, making sure to stir often, until thickened.
- To check that your orange jam is ready, drop a small amount onto a clean plate or into a clean bowl and leave for a few seconds. Push the jam with the tip of your finger. If it feels jam-like (jelly-ish and squidgy), it’s ready. If it is still runny, continue to cook and test again in a few minutes.
- When you are happy with the consistency of your jam, pour it into a clean jar or bowl and leave to cool on the side for at least 30 minutes.
One Piece tangerine puff pastry treats:
- When your jam is cool enough, begin preparing the puff pastry.
- Preheat your oven to 220°C [425°F] or 200°C fan. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper/baking parchment. Set aside.
- Unravel your puff pastry sheet so that it is flat. Using a 3 inch (diameter) round cookie cutter, cut out 6 circles of pastry. Place them in 2 rows on your lined baking tray. These are the rims of your straw hats.
- Scoop around 1 tsp of orange jam onto the centre of each pastry base disc.
- Using a 2 – 2.5 inch round cookie cutter, cut out 6 more circles.
- Place each one gently over a blob of orange jam to create the top part of your straw hats. Carefully press the edge of the top pastry into the base pastry to secure it. Don’t stress if any jam splurges out, just carefully lift it off and put it back in the jar.
- Using a fork, press the pastry around the orange jam into the base, as if you would when making pasties.
- Bake your One Piece tangerine puff pastry treats on the middle shelf for around 10 minutes, until puffed up and golden.
- Once baked, leave to cool on the tray. This doesn’t take long!
- While your One Piece tangerine puff pastry treats are cooling, make your straw hat ties.
- Decide on the length you would like to make your ties. Cut a relatively long piece of strawberry lace and then cut it in half. Gently tie the two halves together, leaving two ends free.
- Repeat this process to create a tie for each straw hat treat.
- Pour the cream into a large jug or bowl. Spoon in the icing sugar and red food colouring.
- Using an electric whisk, whisk the cream into stiff peaks. Add more red food colouring – a little at a time- during this process if needed.
- Cut a very small amount off the end of a piping bag or sandwich bag and spoon the whipped cream into the bag.
- When your puff pastries are cool, pipe a thin ribbon around the base of the straw hat’s centre. I found this easiest to do by placing a pastry onto a rotating cake stand and piping as I spun the cake stand.
- Arrange your strawberry lace tie on a cake board or plate. Place a straw hat puff pastry over each strawberry lace tie.
- Refrigerate with a cover over your One Piece tangerine puff pastry treats until ready to serve.
© Flavour of the Film. All content and imagery is copyright protected. Please do not use any of my images or written content without prior permission. If you would like to share any of the recipes or images on Flavour of the Film, please link back to the recipe in question and rewrite it in your own words, crediting Flavour of the Film as the original source.
3 responses to “One Piece Tangerine Puff Pastry Treats”
[…] mentioned in recipes like my Bridgerton inspired cake; One Piece tangerine pastry treats and my Barbie celebration cake, I love making my own jam. It makes whatever bake you eat the jam […]
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