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Life Is Like A Box of Chocolates Selection | Forrest Gump

Laura - Flavour of the Film
Delicate and indulgent "life is like a box of chocolates" selection that incorporate flavours of Alabama's lane cake and flavours inspired directly by the story, celebrating Forrest Gump.
Prep Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
Chilling time 5 hours
Total Time 6 hours 35 minutes
Course Snack
Cuisine American, French
Servings 100 chocolates


Chocolate orange fudge chocolates:

  • 200 g [1 cup + 2 tbsp] milk chocolate
  • 200 g [around ½ tin] condensed milk
  • tsp orange extract
  • 100 g [½ cup + 1 tbsp] dark or milk chocolate
  • Toppings i.e. candy flowers chocolate hearts or crushed biscuit

Lane cake inspired truffles:

  • 200 g [1 cup + 2 tbsp] white chocolate
  • 75 ml [2.75 oz] double [heavy] cream
  • 1 handful pecans chopped
  • Desiccated coconut to decorate

Heart-shaped truffles:

  • 200 g [1 cup + 2 tbsp] dark chocolate
  • 100 ml [3.75 oz] double [heavy] cream
  • ¼ tsp rose water
  • Cocoa powder to decorate


Chocolate orange fudge:

  • Line a 20 cm cake tin with greaseproof paper/baking parchment. Set aside.
  • In a large heatproof bowl over a bain marie [double boiler], combine the chocolate and condensed milk and stir until melted and smooth.
  • Remove from the heat and stir in the orange extract.
  • Pour the fudge mixture into the lined tin and chill in the fridge for at least 5 hours or overnight until firm.

Lane cake inspired truffles:

  • Line a 6 inch or small square tin with greaseproof paper/baking parchment. Set aside.
  • In a heatproof bowl, microwave the white chocolate and double cream together in 20 second bursts. Stir in between bursts until completely melted and smooth.
  • Pour the mix into the lined tin and chill in the fridge for at least 5 hours or overnight until set.
  • Chop the pecans into small but whole pieces now if needed. Ideally, they just need to be small enough to be the centre of each truffle.

Heart-shaped truffles:

  • Either line another 6 inch or small square tin with greaseproof paper/baking parchment or lay your heart-shaped silicone moulds out ready. Set aside.
  • In a heatproof bowl, microwave the chocolate and cream together in 30 second bursts. Stir in between bursts until completely melted and smooth.
  • Add the rose water and stir in until smooth.
  • Pour the mixture into your silicone moulds or tin and chill in the fridge for at least 5 hours or overnight.

Chocolate orange fudge decoration:

  • Once your fudge is set, remove it from the tin and gently lift from the paper. Place the fudge back down on the paper and begin shaping your individual pieces. I used the open end of a piping tip, but you can use a melon baller or small spoon. If using the end of a piping tip, make sure not to press too hard down on the tip so you don’t damage the shape!
  • Use a cutlery knife to loosen the fudge from the piping tip or melon baller if needed, then roll in between your palms. Gently flatten the fudge with the heel of your palm and set back onto the paper.
  • Once you have shaped as many pieces as possible, gather the remaining fudge and press it back together. Either shape more pieces or simply cut it up into small pieces to eat later. Place the tray in the fridge while you melt your chocolate.

Chocolate coating:

  • In a heatproof bowl, melt ⅔ of the dark chocolate in the microwave in 30 second bursts, stirring in between until completely melted and smooth.
  • Add the remaining chocolate into the melted chocolate and stir in until mostly melted. This is called seeding in chocolate.
  • Put the chocolate back into the microwave for another 20 seconds to make sure it is completely melted.
  • Retrieve your fudge pieces from the fridge and begin dipping them into the chocolate. Cover them fully, using a spoon and a fork or dipping tool to help you. Place each piece of chocolate covered fudge back onto the lined tray.
  • Add your chosen toppings to each chocolate as you go on to make sure they stick to the chocolate before it sets.
  • Once all of your chocolates are covered, place them in the fridge to finish setting or until ready to package or serve.

Lane cake inspired truffles decoration:

  • Once set, lift your truffle mix from the tin and gently lift it from the paper.
  • Using a melon baller or small spoon, portion out your truffle mix. Wrap each piece around a piece of pecan and roll each truffle between your palms into a ball shape.
  • Roll the truffle around in a bowl with the coconut in until well covered. Set on a plate or chopping board for now.
  • Alternatively, place on a lined baking tray and chill the truffles until ready to package or serve..

Heart-shaped truffles decoration:

  • Free each truffle from the mould and place on a lined baking tray/plate/chopping board for now. If rolling into balls, portion the mix with a melon baller or small spoon and roll into shape between your palms.
  • Roll your truffles in a bowl with the cocoa powder in until well covered. Gently lift and give each truffle a gentle tap on the edge of the bowl to shift any extra powder off.
  • Chill in the fridge until ready to package or serve.


These delicate chocolates make for a pretty special “life is like a box of chocolates” selection. You can make all three types of chocolate or choose certain types to make and give as gifts or favours. These chocolates will last for at least a week either boxed up or in the fridge. The fudge and truffle mixes can be made up to 48 hours ahead before shaped. Enjoy!
Keyword forrest and jenny, forrest gump, life is like a box of chocolates, life is like a box of chocolates selection, run forrest run