Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End Themed Menu

Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End is currently regarded as the best Anime of all time. I absolutely love it and I am thrilled to bring you a menu inspired by the food that features in the show’s first season! Read on for tips and recipes to help cater this menu to your personal preferences and requirements, and to find printable menu graphics. I give you the perfect food spread for any Frieren watch party or themed celebration!


Frieren, Himmel, Heiter & Eisen. Image sourced from IMDb.

Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End

Based on the manga by Tsukasa Abe and Kanehito Yamada, Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End has rapidly become an incredibly well-loved Anime. The first season aired in 2023, thanks to the hard work of a whole host of creators. 

With stellar artists and a very talented (and experienced) cast, it’s no surprise that this particular Anime has shot up into the magical stratosphere.

I mean, when a story is about an elf who, as a member of a travelling party, helped save the world from a demon king and then looks to find a new purpose… let’s just say that it doesn’t take much more for me to be on board. *Cough*… or love it.

If you’re looking for guidance on how to throw an Anime party, particularly an Anime party with a Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End theme, this menu is just the ticket for your Anime party food spread! Read on for tips and recipes, plus printable graphics of the menu at the end of this post. 

Frieren. Image sourced from IMDb.

Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End Menu

Usually, I provide one version of the menu as a downloadable graphic. However, I designed two different variations of my Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End menu and have provided both as printable graphics because I genuinely couldn’t choose which one I preferred.

So, I’m giving you the option friends! Choose one or both, it’s completely up to you. Here are both designs:

Frieren inspired menu graphic one. Text written below.
Frieren inspired menu graphic two. Text written below.

Here is the menu in text form, in case you prefer to see it in another format and not in an image:


Leafy green bread buns

Act One

Eisen’s giant hamburger steaks

Act Two

Stark’s “jumbo” berry special

Frieren’s birthday cake cupcakes

Act Three

Fern’s ring donuts

Bonus Features

Himmel’s elderflower-field fizz

Heiter’s ale

You can find the PDF printables of both menu graphics at the end of this post!

Frieren, Fern and Stark. Fern eating savoury bread. Image sourced from IMDb.


Throughout the show, there are moments where Frieren and Fern in particular, as well as characters like Laufen, enjoy a variety of baked goods. For the most part, these baked goods are sweet treats. But, there are also times when they enjoy loaves of savoury bread.

For this reason, I have included savoury bread as the first element of my menu!

These can be rolls that you make yourself, using a simple recipe like this one for French bread rolls by Mel’s Kitchen Cafe. I have adapted the recipe for you below.

If preferred, you can grab some rolls from your local bakery or supermarket. I advise getting your rolls on the day of your party if you can: the fresher, the better!

As Frieren gives natural vibes, I chose to add leafy greens to these rolls. Not only are they good for you, they are delicious! Spinach, rocket, lettuce… the leafy greens options are many. You can also add any dressing or sauce that you enjoy with salad, too!

Whether you sandwich your leaves or lay them on top of the bread rolls halved, trust me when I say that salad and bread as is… well, underrated is the word.

Himmel, Eisen and Heiter recruiting Frieren. Image sourced from IMDb.

Bread Rolls Recipe

Makes: 12 (can be doubled or halved)


  • 500g [3 cups + 2 tbsp] plain [all-purpose] flour or strong white bread flour
  • 1 7g sachet fast action dried yeast
  • 1 tsp sea or rock salt
  • 1 tbsp caster sugar or runny honey
  • 360ml [1½ cups] warm water
  • 2 tbsp olive oil or flavour-less oil i.e. vegetable



  1. In a large mixing bowl, sieve in the flour. Place the salt on one side over the flour and the yeast on the opposite side. Add the sugar in the middle (if using honey, add this later). Mix together the dry ingredients.
  2. Make a well in the centre of your dry ingredients. Pour in the water and oil. If using honey, add it now.
  3. Mix together the ingredients using a spoon until a shaggy dough has formed. Use a standing mixer with the dough hook attached to knead the dough for around 5 minutes. Alternatively, tip the shaggy dough out onto a clean and lightly floured surface and knead by hand for 8 – 10 minutes.
  4. Your dough will be ready when it is smooth and shiny, only a little sticky and feels elastic-like.
  5. Place the dough in a lightly greased bowl and cover with a damp tea towel/cling film/plastic wrap/beeswax paper. Leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hour until doubled in size. If the dough is not quite ready after 1 hour, leave for a further 30 minutes and check again.


  1. Tip the dough out onto a clean and lightly floured surface. Punch the dough down and shape into 12 equal balls (around 2.75 oz each), making sure the seam is on the underside of the dough ball.
  2. Place the rolls in rows in a lightly greased rectangular dish or on a lined baking tray. Leave around 1 inch between the rolls to allow them to rise.
  3. Cover again with either cling film/plastic wrap/beeswax paper, making sure to leave the covering loose over the rolls. A tight wrap could result in flat rolls. Leave to rise in a warm place for another 45 minutes, until they are well risen and are touching. 


  1. After 35 minutes, preheat your oven to 200°C [350°F] or 180°C fan.
  2. To test that your rolls are ready, gently press your finger on the surface of a roll. If it springs back halfway, they are ready. 
  3. Bake on the middle shelf for 15 – 20 minutes, until golden brown and baked through. You can check they are baked by tapping on the top surface and underneath (carefully as they will be hot!). If they sound hollow, they are done.
  4. Allow to cool fully before adding your leafy greens and any accompanying dressing.
Frieren serving giant hamburger steaks. Image sourced from IMDb.

Act One

Oh, Eisen. What a fantastic character. Who just so happens to have a unique birthday tradition!

Frieren is first introduced to Eisen’s interesting tradition when he cooks his giant hamburger steaks on their travels. Naturally, this dish was a must when it came to putting together my menu.

Okay, the hamburger steaks in the show really are GIANT. I don’t know anyone that would willingly eat such a sizable amount of meat in one go. Because of this, I recommend sizing them down… just a tad. 

Feel free to eat these with the leafy greens bread rolls, or with a collection of veggies or relish of your choosing.

The Hero Party being showered in confetti. Image sourced from IMDb.

I am also providing a few options when it comes to this dish.

You can either make slightly-bigger-than-usual burger patties using a minced meat of your choice (make them a little bigger if desired but remember your limits and prioritise your health!). 

To do this, mix the minced meat in a bowl and add any seasoning or herbs of your choice. Dried rosemary could work well. Wet your hands, then make relatively equal balls using your hands. Place them on a board or plate before flattening them into patty shapes and either cooking them on a tray in the oven, grilling them, or frying them.

Magical Frieren. Image sourced from IMDb.

For the veggies, you can create a burger patty using various ingredients.

A recipe for veggie burgers using mushrooms like this one by Love and Lemons is just the ticket for you ‘shroom fans.

Alternatively, you can use beans or chickpeas! Both are a great source of protein and fibre, which we love. BBC Good Food has a whole collection of different veggie burger options. So many, in fact, that my mouth is drooling at the very notion of each one.

If preferred, you can buy veggie patties from your local supermarket. You won’t be able to change their size per say, especially if they are frozen, but that’s okay.

Lastly, I have a sweet option for those of you who aren’t big burger fans.

Chocolate Rice Krispie patties. With chocolate chips. Trust me… these are ridiculously moreish. Chocolate is always a win for me and I thought it would be a good idea to include a sweet option for anyone who isn’t overly keen on savoury burgers.

That way you can make these pretty big and they are so quick to make! Plus, you can add your favourite sweets or chocolate add-ins. You could even add chunks of biscuit for a delicious variation in texture!

Sweet “Hamburger” Patties Recipe

Serves: 6


  • 200g [1 cup + 2 tbsp] milk chocolate
  • 50g [¼ cup] dark chocolate
  • 300g [up to 4 cups] crispy rice cereal i.e. Rice Krispies
  • 100g [½ cup + 1 tbsp] chocolate chips


  1. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper/baking parchment. Set aside.
  2. In a large heatproof bowl, melt the chocolate in the microwave in 30 second bursts, stirring in between bursts, until completely melted. Alternatively, melt the chocolate over a bain marie [double boiler] until smooth.
  3. Pour the crispy rice cereal into the melted chocolate and fold through, taking care not to completely crush the cereal. Add the cereal as you go because you may find you can add more!
  4. Add in the chocolate chips (or your chosen add-ins) and fold in.
  5. Using two spoons, shape the mix into patty shapes on the lined baking tray. Once you have made all of your patties, put the tray in the fridge and leave to set. It will only take a few minutes!
Frieren and Fern enjoying sweet treats. Image sourced from IMDb.

Act Two

The last Acts of my menu selection are all about the sweet treats. 

Upon arriving in a familiar town, Stark remembers the dessert he once had while visiting that same town with Eisen. He revisits the same place and orders himself a “jumbo berry special”. A dessert that he remembers as being larger…

Now, I would say that the base of this dessert is up to you. You could make ice cream for this, using a recipe like my Living inspired knickerbocker glory recipe and add strawberry syrup or extract to it.

You could buy your favourite strawberry ice cream from the shop. 

Or, you could use yoghurt as the base instead and create a parfait in the image of the jumbo berry special. All you need is a few ingredients. A bonus of using yoghurt means that there is no risk of it melting, making it a great party food.

My recipe for Stark’s surprisingly-small jumbo berry special uses yoghurt, but feel free to replace it with ice cream if preferred!

Stark and his jumbo berry special.

Stark’s “Jumbo Berry” Special Recipe

Serves: 2 (can be doubled, tripled and so on)


  • 200g [1 cup] natural greek yoghurt (the thicker, the better)
  • 2 tbsp strawberry jam
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries
  • Wafers or finger shortbread biscuits
  • Strawberry sauce  optional


  1. Wash all of the berries you are using. Set aside.
  2. Beat the jam to loosen it, then add it to a bowl with a generous amount of yoghurt. Mix the two together until the yoghurt is a lovely pink colour.
  3. Scoop the yoghurt into a sundae dish. Alternatively, scoop strawberry ice cream instead.
  4. Arrange the raspberries around the base of your yoghurt. Place 3 blueberries on the right side above the raspberries.
  5. Top with a single strawberry upside down, then put the two wafers or shortbread biscuits into the yoghurt/ice cream at an angle on the right hand side.
  6. Finish by pouring over your strawberry sauce.
Frieren and her birthday cake with Fern & Stark. Image sourced from IMDb.

The second element of Act Two pays homage to Frieren’s birthday cake.

This is another dish that is positively HUGE in the Anime. I mean, with what looks like over one thousand candles on top, it needed to be.

Frieren’s birthday cake is a massive cake with at least three, if not four, layers of cake. Each layer is sandwiched together with a cream filling and sliced strawberries. 

As much as I love making (and eating) cake, I wasn’t going to include the full-sized cake in my menu. It’s too much, even for me! Instead, I opted for cupcakes that pay homage to this deliriously big birthday cake.

Gorgeous little vanilla cupcakes topped with sweetened fresh cream and strawberries and a single candle in each one. If you really want to go all out, you could get cupcake toppers with “1000” on them, or maybe even the roman numeral for 1000 if they exist.

I took inspiration from my The Powerpuff Girls inspired cupcakes and my Avatar: The Last Airbender inspired cupcakes for this one. 

Vanilla cupcakes with fresh cream and a fresh strawberry slice on top, displayed on a wooden board with wildflowers around.

Frieren’s Birthday Cake Cupcakes Recipe

Serves: 12 (can be halved or doubled)



  • 100g [3.5 oz] unsalted butter
  • 100g [½ cup] caster sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 100g [½ cup + 2 tbsp] self-raising flour
  • 1 level tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  • 300 ml [11.25 oz] double [whipping] cream
  • 1 tbsp icing [confectioners] sugar
  • Strawberries  sliced



  1. Preheat your oven to 200°C [350°F] or 180°C fan and prepare a muffin tray. Line the tray with 12 medium sized cupcake cases.
  2. Weigh out your eggs in their shells until you get as close to 100g as you can. The amount of eggs will always be 2, it just depends on their size. Whatever measurement you end up with (I ended up with 115g) is what you should measure the rest of your ingredients out to.
  3. Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one by one and beat in until fully incorporated.
  4. Beat in the vanilla and then the flour and baking powder until fully incorporated.
  5. Using a spoon or two, split the batter evenly among the cupcake cases. Only fill them ⅔ of the way as they will need room to rise.
  6. Bake for 15 minutes. This will depend on your oven and they may need up to 20 minutes. They will be ready when they are golden in colour and a cocktail stick comes out clean.
  7. Leave to cool in the tray for a few minutes before carefully lifting out and leaving to cool fully on a wire rack.


  1. While your cakes are cooling, prepare your decoration. 
  2. If you haven’t already, slice your strawberries. The easiest way to do this is by cutting the tops off, then turning them upside down and cutting from the pointed end of the strawberry down.
  3. In a large jug or mixing bowl, whip the cream using an electric whisk until it holds its shape. Add the icing sugar and whisk in briefly.
  4. When your cupcakes are completely cool, either pipe or dollop the whipped cream on the top. Place the strawberry slices on the top in whatever pattern you prefer.
  5. Eat on the day or store in the fridge in an airtight container!
Bakery meet. Denken, Laufen, Fern and Stark. Image sourced from IMDb.

Act Three

The final sweet treat that features in my Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End are ring donuts.

Fern in particular has a sweet tooth and there are multiple moments throughout the series where trips to the bakery are in progress. Laufen is also a character that is usually eating sweet treats, so I made sure to include sweet baked goods on my menu.

Donuts in particular. 

You are more than welcome to make your own donuts. There are tons of recipes around for both baked and fried donuts. This one on Jane’s Patisserie is a fried ring donut recipe. Then there is this baked ring donut recipe by Movers and Bakers which offers a yeast-free (and ultimately no proving time) method!

For ease, you can grab yourself some donuts on the day of your themed party or watch party. Lovely sugar dusted ring donuts either from your local bakery or the bakery section of your local supermarket. 

If you can get your hands on chocolate ring donuts… even better!

Frieren in a field of flowers. Image sourced from IMDb.

Bonus Features

As usual, the Bonus Features section on my menu is drinks based. I always recommend staying hydrated with water or something high in electrolytes like coconut water, but we need a few themed drinks too!

There is a flower field theme throughout Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End, including in the context of Himmel’s hero statue. This is the inspiration for the first drink!

Elderflower just feels like a Frieren kind of drink; it’s incredibly refreshing and Summer-y. You can either get elderflower presse from the shop or you can get elderflower cordial and add it to either soda water or still water. 

The choice is yours! You could even add another flavour like lemon or lavender to it. 

To finish this menu off, I have listed an alcoholic drink in honour of everyone’s favourite “corrupt priest”: Heiter. 

Ale feels appropriate to the time that Frieren is set in, so if you are of legal drinking age in your country and have a taste for it, I recommend including a tankard of your favourite ale as part of your Frieren Anime party food spread.

Frieren, Stark and Fern being applauded. Image sourced from IMDb.


There you have it, friends. My Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End themed menu! You can use this menu for guidance and inspiration to create your own Anime party food spread directly inspired by the food that features in Frieren

You can find the graphic versions of the menu below, which you are welcome to download and print out to display at your party. Enjoy!

Check out my other menus:

Frieren blowing a kiss. Image sourced from IMDb.

© Flavour of the Film. All content and imagery is copyright protected. Please do not use any of my images or written content without prior permission. If you would like to share any of the recipes or images on Flavour of the Film, please link back to the recipe in question and rewrite it in your own words, crediting Flavour of the Film as the original source.

One response to “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End Themed Menu”

  1. […] a super simple one that I used for my Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End menu, my Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 cupcakes and my Avatar: The Last Airbender […]

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